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Jsme sdružení makléřů a realitních průvodců se 4 letou praxí v oboru, během níž jsme se drželi pravidla férového obchodovaní a maximální spokojenosti zákazníků spojenou s lidským přístupem. Velmi rádi Vám nabídneme komplexní řešení problematiky týkající se nemovitostí, ať už se jedná o prodej, pronájem, nebo také o další služby s tímto spojené.

Rekonstrukcemi, službami hodinového manžela, úklidem, ale také hlídáním dětí, tímto vším se zabývají lidé z našeho okolí na které se můžeme spolehnout a garantovat kvalitu těchto služeb.


Neplatíte provizi + správa nájemníků zdarma.

Tato služba je po celou dobu pronájmu nemovitostí kompletně v naší režii v případě zájmu majitele nemovitosti a nese s sebou řešení veškerých náležitostí spojených s nemovitostí, vyúčtováním služeb, řešení drobných škod či problematiky pojistných událostí. V neposlední řadě také nepříjemnostmi spojenými s pronajímáním, kterými mohou být například nezaplacené nájemné v termínu, a i v těchto případech se můžete spolehnout na rychlé vyřešení problému.


Případný prodej Vaší nemovitosti řešíme následovně:

1. Nepodepisujeme exkluzivní smlouvu

2. Nafocení a příprava vybavení a designu (homestaging) necháváme na profesionálech a hradíme z naší provize

3. Kupní smlouvy vyřeší naši advokáti případně i advokátní úschovu (opět hrazeno z naší provize)

4. Předání nemovitosti a vklady na katastrální úřad řešíme za Vás


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Nabízíme exklusivně prodej velmi pěkného bytu 77,4m2, o dispozici 2+1 v činžovním domě se společnou zahradou. Byt s [více]

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Nabízíme k pronájmu velmi hezký byt 1+KK, 32 m2, ve 2. patře Luxusní Rezidence Garden Towers, ve velmi žádané lokal [více]
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Pronájem bytu 3+1/T, 96m2/T, Celetná, Praha ...

Nabízíme exkluzivně pronájem pěkného bytu 3+1 obytné plochy 96m2 s terasou (50m2) v samém centru Prahy, ulice Celet [více]
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Pronájem bytu 3+1, 82m2, 28. pluku, Praha 10...

Nabízíme k pronájmu velmi pěkný, světlý, zrekonstruovaný byt o velikosti 82m2, ulice 28. pluku ve velmi žádané loka [více]
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Pronájem komerční nemovitosti 380 m² Komensk...

Nabízíme k pronájmu velmi pěkný komerční prostor nacházející se v řadovém činžovním domě v žádané lokalitě poblíž c [více]
Nabízíme k pronájmu velmi pěkný komerční prostor nacházející se v řadovém činžovním domě v žádané lokalitě poblíž c [více]
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Reference 1, Prodejce
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Reference 2, Kupující
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h2>Guide to Car Rental in Dubai: What You Need to Know

For many British travellers, renting a car in Dubai offers the freedom to explore the city and its surroundings at their own pace. Whether you’re visiting for business or pleasure, navigating Dubai’s car rental process can be straightforward if you’re armed with the right information. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help British nationals rent a car in Dubai effectively and efficiently.

Understanding Local Driving Laws

Before you rent a car, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with some of the local driving laws in Dubai. Here are a few key points:

● Drive on the right: Like most of the world, and contrary to the UK, vehicles in Dubai drive on the right-hand side of the road.
● Speed limits: Speed limits are usually posted in kilometers per hour. Residential areas typically have a speed limit of 40-60 km/h, while major highways can range from 100-120 km/h.
● Zero tolerance for alcohol: Dubai has a strict zero-tolerance policy towards drinking and driving. The legal blood alcohol limit is 0.0%.

Required Documents for Renting a Car

To rent a car in Dubai as a British citizen, you will need the following documents:

● Valid UK driving licence: You can drive in Dubai with your UK driving licence without needing an International Driving Permit.
● Passport: Your passport is required for identification and must be carried at all times.
● Credit card: A credit card in the driver’s name is necessary for holding a deposit at the time of rental.

Choosing the Right Vehicle

When selecting a vehicle, consider your specific travel needs. Dubai offers a wide range of car types to suit different preferences, from compact cars for city driving to larger SUVs ideal for more adventurous excursions. Think about the size of your party, your comfort preferences, and the type of driving you plan to do.

Where to Rent a Car

There are numerous car rental agencies available throughout Dubai, including at the airport and in major hotels. For convenience and to browse a wide selection of vehicles, you can visit an established online platform like Drive.Yango.com. Here, you can compare prices, book in advance, and even arrange for your car to be delivered to a location of your choice.

Renting for a Week or More

If you’re planning an extended stay, consider a weekly rental option, which can be more cost-effective than daily rates. Drive.Yango.com offers weekly car rental options that provide flexibility and might include additional benefits such as unlimited mileage or free additional drivers. This can be particularly beneficial if you plan on exploring the wider United Arab Emirates. You can find more here toyota rent a car dubai from our articles

Insurance and Additional Protection

Most rental agreements include basic insurance like Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and Theft Protection (TP). However, it is often advisable to consider additional insurance to reduce your liability in case of an accident. Check what is included in your rental agreement and decide if additional coverage is necessary for your peace of mind.

Picking Up and Returning the Car

When picking up your car, inspect it thoroughly for any pre-existing damage and make sure this is noted in the rental agreement to avoid disputes later. Similarly, when returning the car, ensure it is in the same condition as when you rented it to avoid any additional charges.

Renting a car in Dubai as a British traveller can enhance your travel experience significantly, giving you the freedom to explore at your leisure. By understanding the local driving laws, ensuring you have all the required documents, and choosing the right rental company and insurance coverage, you can enjoy a smooth and enjoyable driving experience in one of the most dynamic cities in the world. Always plan ahead and book your car rental through a reliable platform like Drive.Yango.com to get the best deals and service.

Historia powstania i rozwoju kasyna


Historia powstania i rozwoju kasyna

Nie ma dokładnych informacji o tym, kiedy powstały pierwsze Gry hazardowe. Ale z pewnością starożytni Grecy i Rzymianie pasjonowali się tą sztuką, odpoczywając w źródłach. Później takie ośrodki rosły i cała wiedza, że tam przebywała, już uprawiała Hazard. Już w XVIII wieku w Europie zaczęto otwierać domy gier. Kiedy zjawisko to stało się powszechne, państwo zaczęło opodatkowywać domy. Wszystkie ważne spotkania i rozmowy zaczęły się tutaj odbywać. W niektórych z nich można było nawet skorzystać z usług prostytutek. W kasynie dużo pili i walczyli. Że względu na rozkwit takich usług w domach zabaw, kościół zaczął nakładać na nich „klątwę”. Już w XIX wieku zakłady stały się oficjalne, zaczęto je strzec. Tutaj stało się bezpiecznie, poprawiła się obsługa i wnętrze. Domy hazardu stały się dostępne tylko dla szlachty i bogatych ludzi darmowe pieniadze za rejestracje w kasynie.

Hazard hobby dla bogatych ludzi

Pochodzenie kasyna jest dość trudne do datowania. Prawie każda kultura ma wzmianki o instytucjach hazardowych: hazard był rozgrywany w starożytnej Grecji i Rzymie, w Republice angielskiej i napoleońskiej Francji. Na długo przed naszą erą istniały zakłady hazardowe w Chinach. Za pierwsze kasyno w Europie uważa się Ridotto, otwarte w 1638 roku w Wenecji. Na polecenie rządu w lewym skrzydle Kościoła Mojżesza otwarto Dom hazardowy w celu kontrolowania hazardu odbywającego się podczas Wielkiego wiosennego karnawału. W Ridotto wprowadzono ścisły ubiór i wysokie stawki, aby ograniczyć grono graczy do przedstawicieli arystokracji. Kasyno, zamknięte w 1774 r.pod naciskiem gorliwych pobożności, zostało wznowione w 1946 r. w Pałacu Wendraminów. We Francji pierwsza placówka hazardowa została otwarta na polecenie kardynała Giulio Mazariniego w celu uzupełnienia skarbu Ludwika XIV. Wtedy też we Francji pojawiły się pierwsze stoły do gry w ruletkę. Ruletka, której wynalazek przypisuje się naprzemiennie Blaise ‚ owi Pascalowi i Francois Blanc, dość szybko podbiła Europę-już w 1780 r.prawie żaden dom hazardowy nie mógł się bez niej obejść.
Jedna z sal gier kasynowych w Baden-baden (Niemcy) W pierwszej połowie XIX wieku pojawia się kilka dużych zakładów hazardowych w Wielkiej Brytanii, Niemczech, Włoszech. W kasynach na „wodach” (w Pyrmont, Baden-Baden, Carlsbad) szlachta spuszczała ogromne fortuny. Gra w faraona spowodowała spustoszenie wielu szlacheckich rodzin w różnych krajach Europy. Hipnotyczna atrakcja gry karcianej, po raz pierwszy opisana w powieści Hoffmanna „szczęście gracza”, stała się ulubionym tematem literatury romantyzmu.

Zakazy hazardu

Praktycznie wszystkie kasyna w Europie zostały zamknięte do 1873 roku. Wówczas stolicą hazardu staje się Monte Carlo na terenie Księstwa Monako, które nie uznało za konieczne wprowadzenia jakichkolwiek zakazów. W Stanach Zjednoczonych pierwsze zakłady hazardowe pojawiają się dopiero na początku XIX wieku. Centrum hazardu staje się najpierw miasto Nowy Orlean, po-St. Louis, Chicago i San Francisco. Rolę kasyna pełnią salony. Hazard zaczyna się rozwijać, szczególnie popularny jest blackjack i poker. Dojście do władzy prezydenta Andrew Jacksona i jego zakaz istnienia zakładów hazardowych przez prawie dziesięć lat nadaje większości kasyn nielegalny status. Na początku XX wieku zakaz hazardu wchodzi w życie w prawie wszystkich stanach. Wyjątkiem jest Nevada, w Las Vegas i Reno zaczynają budować domy hazardowe. Zakłady hazardowe przenoszą się na Kubę, gdzie głównymi gośćmi byli obywatele USA . Do połowy lat 40. na terenie Vegas mieszczą się tylko małe kasyna i hotele. W 1946 roku otwarto Kompleks hazardowy Bugsy Siegela Flamingo, który stanowi pierwszy kamień węgielny pod budowę jednego ze światowych centrów hazardowych. W 1978 roku licencję na otwarcie kasyna otrzymuje Atlantic City, które obecnie zajmuje drugie miejsce po Las Vegas wśród amerykańskich miast hazardowych Super Cat kasyno opinie.

Wirtualne kasyna

Kasyno rozwijało się szybko, dopóki nie pojawiła się nowa alternatywa — wirtualne gry hazardowe. Pierwsze wirtualne kasyno pojawiło się niemal natychmiast po powstaniu Internetu — w 1996 roku. Technologia znacznie się poprawiła w ciągu kilku lat, a wiele witryn podjęło inicjatywę. Obecnie na świecie jest kilka tysięcy kasyn, w których miliony użytkowników „zawieszają się” każdego dnia. Dwa lata po pojawieniu się pierwszych kasyn pojawiła się koncepcja „progresywnego jackpota”, kiedy małe wydane pieniądze gromadzą się i tworzą jedną nagrodę. Taki smakołyk stał się świetną reklamą dla graczy z całego świata, a po prostu wściekła Liczba Graczy zaczęła grać.

Popularność casino online przyczynia się do wielu czynników

Wygoda. Nie ma potrzeby nigdzie jechać. Do gry wystarczy mieć komputer i dostęp do Internetu.
Audytorium. W jednym kasynie internetowym mogą grać dziesiątki, a nawet setki tysięcy graczy jednocześnie. W tradycyjnych kasynach liczba odwiedzających jest ograniczona do powierzchni sal gier i liczby miejsc przy stołach do gier i automatach do gier casino-e.
Rentowność. Początkowe inwestycje i bieżące wydatki w kasynach internetowych są znacznie niższe niż w tradycyjnych zakładach hazardowych.

Kasyna internetowe nie są jednak pozbawione wad

Bezpieczeństwo komputera. Ponieważ do gry w kasynie online wymagane jest połączenie z Internetem, istnieje możliwość kradzieży danych osobowych, danych kart bankowych.
Uczciwość. Ze względu na specyfikę interakcji kasyn internetowych i graczy za pośrednictwem sieci komputerowych udowodnienie nieuczciwości gry jest znacznie trudniejsze niż w przypadku tradycyjnego kasyna.
Rozliczenia z graczami. Często przelew środków na konto gracza trwa od kilku godzin do kilku dni.
Problemy techniczne. Gra może zostać przerwana w dowolnym momencie z powodu problemów z połączeniem. Działanie kasyna internetowego może zostać zakłócone w wyniku działań crackerów (atak DDoS).
Ustawodawstwo. Działalność kasyn internetowych jest często luźniej regulowana przez obowiązujące prawo niż w tradycyjnych kasynach, a w niektórych krajach jest znacznie ograniczona lub całkowicie zabroniona.

Jednak pomimo wszystkich wad, sfera hazardu online aktywnie się rozwija. Obecnie przychody wielu największych kasyn online są porównywalne z przychodami dużych tradycyjnych kasyn. Ostatnio znaczącą rolę w rozwoju kasyn internetowych odegrały sieci społecznościowe i sklepy z aplikacjami. Dzięki licznym rozwiązaniom programowym kasyno internetowe jest dostępne nie tylko jako środek rozrywki, ale także jako wysoce dochodowy biznes. Wielu twórców platform hazardowych oferuje każdemu możliwość otwarcia Kasyna Online zgodnie ze schematem białej etykiety, co wymaga inwestycji setki tysięcy razy mniejszych niż w celu zorganizowania podobnego biznesu w trybie offline. W Internecie wiele kasyn przyciąga klientów za pomocą jasnych reklam, ale prawie wszystkie z nich są prawie bezużyteczne. Niebezpieczne pokusy takich stron mogą wciągnąć osobę na długi czas. Doświadczeni gracze świętują wulkan kasyna online. Tutaj znajdziesz różne rodzaje rozrywki, które zachwycą nawet doświadczonych graczy. Wszystkie najnowsze nowości i dawno kochane gry znajdziesz w wulkanie. Chcę zwrócić uwagę na jedną z najnowszych aktualizacji-Novomatic Multi Gaminator. Letnia zabawka z zabawnymi animacjami pomoże szybko i ekscytująco spędzić wolny czas. Jeśli jeszcze nie próbowałeś grać w kasynie online, Wulkan jest właśnie dla ciebie, a grając w kasynie wulkan na pieniądze-nie będziesz miał żadnych problemów z wycofaniem wygranej, po prostu zanurz się w ekscytującym świecie hazardu wraz z najlepszym kasynem online. Przeczytaj o tym https://kasyno-lemon.pl/ w naszych artykułach

Are all online casinos connected? Explained




The simplest answer to this question is no. However, there are a few caveats. Most casinos will operate as separate entities, but there are some instances where casinos may be linked. This is through things like promotions, tournaments, and jackpots. In some cases, the same company will operate several casinos, and this will allow for some crossover. Of course, this does not mean that by joining one casino, you are joining several.

Do online casinos share information with each other?

Once again, it is possible that casinos on the same network or owned by the same company may share information with one another. This can help for promotional and marketing purposes and, in some instances, protect the players and prevent them from being exploited to stop irresponsible gambling.

Of course, this has to be consensual. When players sign up with a casino, they can choose to opt in or out of marketing, and they can also reject cookies every time they visit a site, making it more difficult for sites to keep data on you and share it with others on their network.


Why do Casino Sites need your Address or ID?

When you sign up for an online casino, you may be asked to provide certain identification. While some users may be sceptical about doing so, you can rest assured that the information you are providing is being used to help protect you and ensure everything runs smoothly.

Age Verification

Age verification is an essential part of the online casino process. This is essential for the safety of the player and for the casino. Players under 18 are prohibited from playing at online casinos in the UK. To verify your age, you may be asked to provide a form of identification such as a passport or a driving license.

Identity Confirmation

Like confirming your age, confirming your identity is essential for a player’s safety. This prevents anyone else from claiming to be you and is also an effective anti-fraud measure. It also helps casinos keep track of players and prevents things like bonus abuse.

Anti-Fraud Measures

Online casinos have to remain vigilant for things like money laundering and fraud. By checking ID, verifying age, and keeping specific information about customers, they can work together to prevent these things from happening.

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Why do Casinos have the same games?

When scrolling through the lobbies of top UK online casinos, you will notice many of them share the same games. The reason for this is simple: they work with the same developers. Leading providers like NetEnt, Games Global, and Pragmatic Play, for example, will provide their slots to a host of different casinos, ensuring their products reach the biggest possible audience.

Should You Change Online Casino Sites After a Big Win?

When some players land a big win, they like to move to a different online casino. Let’s take a look at some reasons why they might do that and whether or not it is a good idea:

Personal Preferences

Personal preference is going to play a big part in whether you change online casino after a big win. Are you happy with the site you are at? Do you enjoy their bonuses? Is there a good community of active players? All of these things can factor into whether you decide to leave a casino or not.

Safety and Fairness

You will learn a lot about a casino when you land a big win. In some instances, sites may be extremely slow to pay you out or could make your life difficult. Of course, players should remember that big withdrawals may take longer because a casino will need to do its due diligence to ensure the money is going to the correct person. Read more skycrowncasinowebsite.com at website articles

Financial Management

A big win is going to have a significant impact on your bankroll and, as such, may be the perfect time to consider your betting strategy. You may also want to use this win as the perfect opportunity to check out what other casinos have to offer and claim some generous bonuses.


Playing Online Casino

Final Thoughts

Online casinos continue to evolve and work together to provide the best possible gambling experience for players. One thing that is clear is that casinos being connected can be excellent for customer safety and responsible gambling. As always, Gambling Zone would like to remind all of its players to gamble responsibly. If you have any concerns about your gambling habits, you can check out the detailed responsible gambling resources we have available.

How to Open an Online Casino in 2025: What Do You Need to Know?


Online gambling has always been one of the most lucrative and desirable domains for business owners regardless of whether they have experience in the field.

In order to open a successful online casino that will benefit its owner and bring joy to its players, a few key steps require your attention. 

As an online casino software developer and provider, SOFTSWISS is glad to share its experience. Hopefully, our expertise helps future online casino owners (operators) avoid common mistakes and start a successful online casino business.


Key Steps to Starting Your Online Casino Business in 2025

One of the most important things to begin with when launching your online casino business is proper and thorough planning. It is a great idea to write a detailed step-by-step business plan for a full year of operation.

Not only does it give you a clear agenda and strategy, but can also help with reducing stress – it is much easier to complete one step at a time and track your progress instead of having to focus on many tasks at once.

Here are four key steps you need to take to launch your own online casino successfully.

Analyse the Online Casino Market

Online gambling has grown significantly in recent years, particularly since the days of the pandemic. Both sports betting and online casino gambling have become increasingly popular lately, similar to many other sources of online entertainment.

The online gambling landscape offers significant revenue opportunities, even in the face of global economic and political shifts. Online casinos also show to be superior in accessibility when compared to traditional, land-based casino experiences.

Supporting this view, Statista’s data forecasts a user base expansion in the online gambling market to 233.7 million by 2027, with expected revenues reaching USD 124bn. This growth trajectory is a good glimpse into the potential of the iGaming industry and its market size.


Acknowledging its promising future, many governments are actively working to regulate and legalise the online gambling sector. For current and aspiring operators in the online casino space, these forecasts signal strong, affirmative market growth and expansion.

Even though most online casinos live in the dot-com domain, players are still very much located somewhere physically. And offering your online casino to players via electronic means still falls under certain laws and obligations, which leads to the next point.

Licensing and Legal Aspects

Like brick-and-mortar casinos, online casinos are subject to licensing. If you want to open your own casino, you need to think about choosing a gaming licence. These are issued by countries, or jurisdictions. The iGaming community distinguishes between national and international gambling licences. 

Each licence has its pros and cons – cost, application time, and reputation. Usually, it takes from a couple of months to a year to obtain a gaming licence, for example, at least 6 months in Malta.

In recent years, there has been a notable regulatory shift in the online gambling industry – a movement away from international gambling licences (like those from Malta and Curacao) towards country-specific regulation. 

This change motivates operators to consider adapting their brand and offer to regulated markets.


Discover how to make informed decisions when selecting a jurisdiction for your gambling business, considering legal and regulatory factors.

International licences are adapting to these changes. For instance, Curacao is developing a new regulatory body and overhauling its system to enhance security and compliance. Similarly, Malta is revamping its operations, focusing on sustainable practices and responsible gambling.

How do operators choose an online gambling licence? Choosing the right licence for an online casino or sportsbook is more nuanced than ever. It’s not just about ticking boxes for operational requirements. It involves aligning the licence with your business’s long-term goals, target markets, and growth plans. 

Given the industry’s current trajectory, betting on a single licence for the long haul seems less practical. It’s crucial to assess risks, strategically plan your brand’s journey, and partner with software tech providers that align with the market’s specific needs and regulatory landscapes.

At SOFTSWISS, we understand these complexities and offer tailored solutions. The Online Casino Platform comes in several packages:

Turnkey (Standalone) Casino Solution: Suitable for operators who already hold licences and certificates, it offers the software, infrastructure, and iGaming support needed to launch a fully independent casino.
Crypto Casino Solution: A secure software solution tailored for casinos aiming to engage cryptocurrency audiences.
White Label Casino Solution: Ideal for a fast launch, providing everything, including an international licence.


The next step after choosing the jurisdiction is to register a legal entity – a gaming company, open a bank account and make agreements with payment system providers to complete the legal and financial infrastructure set-up.

Choosing Casino Software

As any other web application, an online casino is powered by software. Many technology companies, SOFTSWISS among them, develop the software and systems that power an online casino. While searching for a reliable casino software developer, it is wise to evaluate the software from the point of view of your business requirements. 

Besides providing an attractive casino frontend design and popular games for players, a quality casino product needs more than just great code. A truly robust casino software platform also has to be modular and adapt to different market requirements. Some of the mandatory casino software modules include components:

Content Management System (CMS)
Player account management system (PAM)
Bonus and promotions module
Game management tools
Payment system management interface
Reporting module
Admin role settings
Affiliate management software
Anti-fraud module and systems
Retention email strategy and tools

Regular software and game updates, hosting, and technical support must also be part of the provider’s package. Professional suppliers always take responsibility for the full technical support post-launch.

The software package that includes all of the above components might be higher in terms of costs, but modular software is a worthy investment. As a result, you get a reliable partner ready to support you during the whole project life cycle. Buying a cheaper solution, like a one-off casino script, might result in more spending in the future.

Casino Marketing Plan

An effective marketing strategy is an absolute necessity to run a casino. This is where competitor research will be a crucial step. It will provide you with an overview of what the leading casino brands are, what user acquisition and retention strategies they use, and what opportunities you have to be as good as them or better.

Knowing whom you’re up against and creating a unique offer that players won’t be able to decline are keys to success. Benchmarking against competitors plays perfectly for the good of online casino success, and what is more important, it is free. In terms of budget, plan your marketing strategy by adopting the best practices of promotion, advertising, and brand development.

If a company starting an online casino is operating a land-based gaming business, it might be crucial to bring the existing clients to play at the online version of the casino. Using an integrated marketing strategy for the online and offline brands can be a win-win. 

RELATED ARTICLEFrom Land-Based to Online Сasino: Useful Tips for Starting a Casino Business Online

Get practical strategies for transitioning a land-based casino into a thriving online business.

If you come from online marketing, user acquisition, growth marketing, affiliate marketing background – you probably know where to start with your online casino marketing strategy. If not, consider sourcing companies, agencies, and individuals who have that kind of experience and expertise.

Last but not least, think about your future bonus policy and affiliate program. These will drive player acquisition and retention and must not be ignored. And, of course, check if the selected software provides the appropriate technical opportunities to bring your strategy to life.

How Long It Takes to Launch an Online Casino

The time frame for an online casino launch depends on both the business owner and the software provider. Usually, it takes up to 3 months for the provider to set up the software and create a unique casino website. This includes setting up the games, adding the bonus policy settings and possible individual features, as well as designing the look and feel of the brand. 

Your online casino website should, first and foremost, be informative and visually appealing to visitors. Make sure the site is carefully designed in a way that is easy to navigate for anyone. 

The business owner and their team can speed up the launch process by providing timely feedback to the casino setup team. Remember, your requirements can be taken into account more quickly if they are discussed in time.

Apart from that, the business owner must timely address the important issues discussed above:

Obtaining a gaming licence
Opening a corporate bank account and merchant account
Making agreements with payment system providers

Some online casino software providers can offer a white label casino solution that covers all the checkpoints. This option lets operators launch to market in a short timeframe. 

For iGaming business owners who already have a casino licence can simply use the software and hardware infrastructure to launch their online business.

Operating an Online Casino in 2025

The secret of the most popular and successful online casino is not about the top-notch design or thousands of games. The best online casinos are often simple in design and contain 500 games on average at the beginning. The secret is in a responsible marketing strategy. 

The online casino market is an extremely competitive one: first, it is very hard to break into, and then it is even harder to take a firm stand. As a rule of thumb, a company has to go the extra mile to get ahead of the competition. Below is a list of points that are vital for any online casino that is planning to be prosperous.


Gather a professional marketing team and develop strategy for your goals (business, company, brand) and mission. Determine how you are going to be different from the competitors, what unique features your casino will have, and what steps you are going to take further.

Quality Games

You can start your casino with a limited number of game providers, with a focus on games based on HTML5 technology. This technology allows users to enjoy rich graphics games and enhance the overall experience of playing casino games on mobile devices.

SOFTSWISS offers game content from well-known providers, such as Evolution, Pragmatic Play, Games Global and more. Learn what the best casino games are for the markets you plan to work in.


Pre-launch Advertising Campaign

Before you even start a casino, you need to advertise it to inspire your potential customers to wait for its launch; use all the channels at your disposal: affiliate networks, online ads, offline presentations, media publications, etc.

Ongoing Promotional Support

The exceptional growth that online casino providers experienced during the pandemic, where they attracted audiences with minimal investment, is no longer the norm. In today’s market, continuous player acquisition is essential for growth. It’s crucial for operators to implement ongoing promotional strategies to ensure this steady influx of new players.

Make sure to experiment and see what works best for your player base. Be sure to plan ahead and always try to offer something new to your players.

Player Acquisition, Support, and Retention Strategy

Establish an efficient support service or 24-hour call centre which your players can address at any time. Take care of your players by making navigation through the website: create ‘How to’ sections or FAQs, write manuals on how to play the games, provide demo versions, and make everything clear and understandable.

Develop a bonus system, make auctions and entertain and reward your players for their engagement.

Start an Affiliate Program

Develop contacts with affiliate partners, who can use their online resources to promote your online casino. To manage such partner relationships, operators use affiliate management software. An affiliate platform is undoubtedly the best tool for expanding your affiliate partner network.


Additional Features

Modern online casinos often come as multi-functional platforms that not only offer casino games but also sports betting and other features. Here are some of the most popular additional features that you can think about adding to your online casino platform. 

Crypto Casino

Forward-looking online casino software providers offer cryptocurrencies as well as fiat currencies. Payment systems are key for high-quality player service.

Online casino owners all over the world appreciate the advantages of crypto casinos, such as increased player loyalty, fast payment processing, and many more.

As an acknowledged crypto casino expert, SOFTSWISS would like to recommend all potential Bitcoin casino owners to get a clear understanding of the cryptocurrency, research the peculiarities of crypto gambling, and learn how transactions work by making a couple of bets at an existing casino. 

RELATED ARTICLEIs Using Bitcoin for Gambling Legal? Key Insights

Discover the intricate world of crypto gambling and its legal status across various jurisdictions.



Jackpots have always been closely associated with casinos in one way or another. They are no exception when it comes to online casino games. They are loved by players for the potential of big rewards and by operators for the engagement they drive.

Players get the chance to compete for bonuses, physical prizes, and loyalty points. Running jackpots can be done through custom tournament tools or additional jackpot modules that are integrated with the casino platform.

Some of the advantages of jackpot implementation include:

Increased player LTV
Increased bet amounts
New player acquisition
Existing player retention
Increased revenue

Sports Betting

In the past few years, a considerable number of online casinos integrated sports betting into their platforms. It has been proven that the combination of a casino and a sportsbook is extremely beneficial, as it boosts the overall project performance and greatly increases user engagement. 

Integrating a complete sports betting platform, like the SOFTSWISS Sportsbook, has many benefits. With this feature, players are able to place bets on multiple sports like football, basketball, tennis, hockey, and many more. It also lets them watch live sports broadcasts on your website, get a chance to receive special bonuses, and build loyalty with your brand.

In general, players are more likely to stay loyal to a platform that meets all of their needs and allows them to do everything at once – play casino games, win jackpots, and bet on their favourite sports. 

How Much Does It Cost to Open and Run an Online Casino in 2025?

Once the costs for legal matters, software, and marketing are defined, it’s time to plan your budget. The best option for startup companies is to set the budget at least for the first year of operation. Experienced companies can define their budget for several years in advance. 

Don’t plan your budget after setting up the online casino website – plan it beforehand. For new entrants in the market, setting up a business typically involves higher initial costs compared to seasoned operators. This difference is largely due to the advantages that established companies enjoy – like an established customer base and a recognisable brand identity, particularly for those transitioning from a brick-and-mortar to an online model. 

For a fledgling business, this underscores the importance of thorough financial planning. Before taking significant steps, such as launching a website, it’s vital to carefully balance your finances (P&L statements are a good start). This risk management step ensures a more successful and informed launch.

While there is no simple and definitive response to the question of how much you will pay for your online casino launch, SOFTSWISS has surveyed operators about how they divide their budget.

In general, your expenses will fall under two broad categories: the pre-launch and the post-launch stage expenses. 

For example, the largest pre-launch stage expenses include software purchase and setup (25-35%), marketing spend (15-20%), and licence acquisition (10-30%). This early stage of development requires more attention and, as a result, more investments.

During the post-launch stage, it is vitally important to address half the funds to casino marketing and promotion to attract new players.

Below is an approximate expense separation a future casino owner needs to have in mind while developing a detailed budget to open and run a casino.


Frequently Asked Questions: How to Open Your Own Online Casino

1. How can I figure out if a business like an online casino is right for me?

While the idea of starting an online casino can be appealing, it’s vital to approach this decision with a realistic mindset. The iGaming market is dynamic and holds great potential, but it’s also highly competitive. It’s a hard truth that many projects in this field don’t survive.

If you’re uncertain about venturing into this industry, it may be wise to delay your launch and invest more time in understanding the niche. Here are some key considerations:

Market Research: Understand the dynamics of the iGaming industry.
Realistic Expectations: Be aware that while the market is promising, it is also fraught with challenges.
Team and Partnerships: Ensure you have, or can acquire, an experienced team and reliable partners.
Effective Promotion: Learn about various online marketing strategies that can help promote your project.
Risk Assessment: Be prepared for the high level of competition and the possibility of setbacks.

Embarking on this venture requires a sober assessment of your budget, experience, and resources. With thorough preparation and a strategic approach, you can increase your chances of successfully establishing your presence in the market.

Remember, be pragmatically optimistic.

2. Do I need to hire staff?

As said earlier, absolutely. For efficient project management, your core team should include:

General Manager/Project Owner: The linchpin who steers the entire project.
Partner Manager: Nurtures and manages partner relations.
Content Manager: Directs all content-related initiatives.
Marketing Analyst: Dissects market trends and casino data to inform marketing strategies.
First Line Support Team: Fundamental for player support (SOFTSWISS offers this service).
Retention Manager: Dedicated to cultivating player loyalty (also provided by SOFTSWISS).
Anti-Fraud Team: Safeguards against fraudulent activities (provided by SOFTSWISS).

This foundational team structure is crafted to propel your project towards effective launch and management.

3. How do I draw traffic to the online casino?

The traffic acquisition strategy is multifaceted and can include, but is not limited to:

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): Optimising your website to rank higher in search engine results.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Harnessing the power of paid search engine ads.
Affiliate Marketing: Collaborating with affiliates for promotion and broader online reach.
Collaboration with Influencers: Connecting with popular personalities (for example, streamers) to reach a wider audience.

4. What is the difference between the Turnkey and White Label solutions?
The SOFTSWISS White Label Solution is a comprehensive package that includes the hardware infrastructure, software platform, and licensing, allowing you to quickly enter the market. Ideal for those seeking an out-of-the-box casino solution.

At the same time, the Turnkey (Standalone) Casino Solution is best suited for individuals with experience in running online casinos and holding their own licence. We provide the software platform, hardware infrastructure, and essential support services. 

Launching Your Online Casino With SOFTSWISS

SOFTSWISS focuses on developing innovative software for online casinos, providing a wide range of solutions from a robust Casino Platform, games hub, affiliate marketing software, and 24/7 support. 

SOFTSWISS is all about:

Expertise: 15 years of experience in iGaming, supporting 860+ online gambling websites.
Service: Award-winning account management backed up by accolades for Best Customer Service.
Innovation: #1 in crypto betting.
Security: Focus on cybersecurity and data protection; ISO 27001 compliant. 

The SOFTSWISS Casino Platform includes a variety of modules, features, integrations, and licence options. 

The Casino Platform’s dedicated back office with a set of innovative technologies gives you complete control over all areas of your online casino business. It is integrated with the SOFTSWISS Sportsbook, Game Aggregator, and Jackpot Aggregator, which can make your online casino stand out among competitors.  Read about 1win at website

As a Final Note

Managing an online casino is hard work, but with all legal and financial issues resolved promptly, quality software chosen, and a strong marketing strategy in place, it can be a successful and encouraging experience both for the operators and their players. 

Following all the steps described above will help a newly made online casino to develop sustainably and outweigh the competition. Good luck!
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Online Online Casinos: A New Level of Betting
In the last few years, on the internet gambling enterprises have actually become an important part of home entertainment for numerous individuals worldwide. If a couple of decades ago gambling was related to loud and lavish halls of physical online casinos, today it is available anywhere and anytime, thanks to Net innovations. On-line casino sites have actually strongly taken their location in the enjoyment solutions market, offering players brand-new chances for leisure, winnings and adrenaline. Why is dipping into an on-line gambling enterprise so trendy? Let’s figure it out.

1. Accessibility and convenience
The major benefit of on the internet gambling establishments is their access. To start playing, you just require a Net link and any kind of gadget – a computer system, tablet computer or mobile phone. Using mobile applications or internet versions of the gambling establishment, you can play your favorite video games while resting in your home on the couch, in line or perhaps on vacation. You no more need to prepare journeys to far-off cities to see an online casino – it’s done in your pocket now.

2. Wide range of games
Among the key elements why online casino sites are becoming increasingly prominent is the big option of video games On the internet platforms provide video games such as live roulette, texas hold’em, blackjack, along with many slots with one-of-a-kind themes and perk functions. Software remedies are constantly updated, allowing gamers to delight in new video games and always find something fascinating on their own. Additionally, accessibility to unique games readily available just online adds added rate of interest.

3. Live dealer games.
Recently, video games with online suppliers have become specifically popular. In these games, you have fun with real individuals, not with a program, which creates the atmosphere of a real casino site. The procedure of having fun with genuine dealers and the capability to connect with them by means of chat adds an unique beauty and realism. This makes the gaming experience a lot more exciting, and communication with other players and the dealership seems being present in a genuine online casino without leaving home.

4. Bonus offers and promotions
On-line gambling establishments are known for their bonus deals. For brand-new gamers, this could be a very first deposit bonus or cost-free spins on vending machine. For normal players, there are numerous promos, cashbacks, and commitment programs. Such incentives allow you to boost your possibilities of winning or extend the time of the game without added costs. This makes on the internet gambling establishments more eye-catching than conventional betting facilities, where benefit programs are much less usual.

5. Safety and information protection
When it comes to cash, security constantly comes first. Trustworthy on-line casino sites use sophisticated data encryption innovations to make certain the security of financial deals and personal details of players. Certified systems run based on rigorous worldwide criteria, which guarantees a high level of depend on from customers.

6. Flexibility and selection of wagers
One of the advantages of on the internet gambling establishments is the flexibility in picking bets. You can choose a video game with a minimal wager or, conversely, bet higher quantities. This permits both newbies and experienced players to appreciate the video gaming procedure depending on their monetary capabilities. On-line gambling establishments additionally frequently host different events and events with huge prize swimming pools, which includes additional enjoyment and motivation for players. Read more royal reels free spins at website articles

7. Social aspect and conversation
Numerous on the internet casinos provide the ability to connect with other players through a built-in chat. This allows you to develop areas, share experiences, talk about strategies, and simply delight in connecting while playing. Some casinos additionally hold tournaments in which you can take on players from around the globe, which includes a social and competitive aspect to the video game.

8. Liable gaming
Quality online gambling establishments additionally pay attention to the issue of accountable pc gaming. Numerous platforms offer players different devices to control their investing and time, such as betting limits, the capacity to momentarily obstruct an account, or tips about the moment invested playing. This aids avoid dependency and control the game, making sure an equilibrium between home entertainment and a liable approach.

Online casinos have actually become an integral part of the entertainment world, supplying gamers ease, security, and a vast array of gaming options. It is a modern-day way to enjoy betting without leaving home, with access to a selection of games, bonus offers and distinct attributes. It is very important to bear in mind that, just like any other entertainment, it is important to approach betting properly and constantly bear in mind practical limits. But if you are seeking fun and secure enjoyment with an opportunity to win, on-line casinos are an excellent choice.

Online Online casinos: Why Are They Trendy and Worth Attempting?
In the last few years, online casinos have gotten immense popularity, attracting an increasing number of gamers all over the world. Previously, many connected gambling solely with standard gambling enterprises, but today, thanks to the Net and contemporary technology, casino sites have become available right from the display of your computer system or smart phone. Why are online gambling enterprises cool, and exactly what makes them such an appealing selection for many people? Allow’s figure it out!

1. Convenience and availability
Among the major benefits of on-line gambling enterprises is benefit. You no more require to lose time traveling to physical casinos, intending journeys to various other cities or nations. All you need is accessibility to the Web and a gadget on which you can mount the application or merely most likely to the casino site web site. Now you can appreciate your favored video games at any time of the day or night, without leaving your home. The ease of mobile applications enables you to play even on the go, on the bus or while awaiting a meeting.

2. Wide choice of games
On-line casino sites supply a much broader selection of video games contrasted to typical establishments. You can locate games for every taste: from timeless table video games such as casino poker, live roulette and blackjack to a selection of video clip ports with numerous motifs and incentive functions. On top of that, brand-new video games are on a regular basis launched, which makes the video game even more amazing and intriguing.

3. Benefits and promos
On-line gambling establishments commonly supply their users a selection of perks and promotions that make the video game a lot more profitable. These can be rewards for the initial deposit, cost-free rotates, cashback, special offers for dedicated gamers and much more. Unlike conventional casino sites, where incentives and special offers are rare, on-line platforms frequently update their promos, providing players much more opportunities to win.

4. Security and privacy
Modern on the internet gambling establishments utilize advanced safety and security innovations to protect the individual information of players and their monetary deals. Several casino sites make use of SSL file encryption to guarantee personal privacy and defense from fraudsters. Thanks to licensing and stringent rules of operation, on the internet gambling enterprises are ending up being increasingly more safe and trustworthy.

5. Flexibility of bets
On-line gambling establishments provide excellent flexibility in betting. Whether you intend to play for a minimum quantity or risk big money, the system constantly enables you to choose an ideal table or slot that suits your spending plan. This permits both beginners and knowledgeable players to appreciate betting without unneeded stress and anxiety.

6. Ease of access for beginners
For many people who have actually never ever played in an online casino before, online gambling enterprises are a terrific means to begin. Modern systems use detailed instructions and demo versions of video games, where you can practice and grasp various methods without the risk of shedding cash. Furthermore, on the internet gambling enterprise user interfaces are really straightforward and user-friendly, which allows even those without experience to swiftly understand the procedure of playing. Read about visit site at website

7. Interactivity and Live Interaction
Lots of online casinos supply live dealership games, which enables you to produce a real gambling enterprise environment without leaving your home. You can connect with the supplier and other gamers using chat, which makes the game even more amazing and social. This is especially prominent with those who value live interaction and the ambience of a genuine online casino.

8. Responsible Pc Gaming and Support
On the internet casino sites additionally appreciate the wellness of their players, supplying attributes that aid control gambling. These can include wagering restrictions, game time tips, and the ability to briefly obstruct an account if you require to relax. Systems provide 24/7 client support, which offers players the confidence that they can constantly obtain assist if required.

Online gambling enterprises are not only hassle-free, but also enjoyable. It is a fantastic chance to attempt your luck and take pleasure in the pc gaming procedure without leaving your home. Incorporated with modern-day safety and security innovations, a range of bonus offers and games for every preference, on-line gambling establishments are coming to be a progressively eye-catching option for wagering lovers. The main point is to approach this responsibly and take pleasure in the procedure!
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